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DomusAurea Jewelry Box

Blue Chalcedony, Ruby and Sapphire Bracelet (Scrives)


Blue Chalcedony, Ruby and Sapphire Bracelet (Scrives)


This unique bracelet by Scrives is made from a large natural blue chalcedony, which shows a variation of color intensity and density (blue to white, translucent to slightly opaque). The blue chalcedony bracelet weights 332 carats. The stone bracelet has also been hand-carved all around its top with a double waves design. Alongside the carving, a play of stones are dispatched uniformly with blue sapphires (34 sapphires) and rubies (18 rubies) for a total weight of 5.87cts. More than ten artisans worked on the bracelet. Size of the opening is 27mm. Inside the bracelet: 56x45mm

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