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Kyanite and Red Spinel Earrings (Scrives)

DomusAurea Jewelry Box

Kyanite and Red Spinel Earrings (Scrives)


Kyanite and Red Spinel Earrings (Scrives)


These classic earrings by Scrives are composed of a cushion shape red spinel and three kyanites of different sizes and of color gradient. The red spinels are of high quality in term of color and purity. They are from Burma/Myanmar and weight 0.74cts. The kyanites total weight is: 5.65cts. The gemstones are simply set in a fine closed gold setting. The stones can move easily which brings a lot of light and sparkle when they are worn. These earrings are with butterflies push (the earring hole is hidden by the top stone). The stones can exhibit natural and typical inclusions but not eye-visible. Note that kyanites are soft stones so extra-care is needed when stored (in separate bags or space). This one-of-a-kind pair of earrings is handmade with 22K matte finish gold. After wearing the jewelry for some time, the gold will get more shinny. The top part shows Scrives stamp & the French guaranty stamp. Dimensions: length: 35mm width: 7mm Weight: 4.4 grams

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